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Kyushu Journeys Job Openings

Kyushu Journeys Job Openings

Explore the job listings below and check their current availability. If your perfect role isn’t listed or has already been filled, we still welcome you to submit a proposal outlining your idea. Applications for internships are also welcome.

  • 旅行代理店事務アシスタント(リモート・福岡県内)



    Your Gateway into the World of Kyushu Travel!

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    また、熱意と能力のある方には、将来的により高度な業務をお任せする可能性もあります! 求める人材 このポジションは、在宅勤務を好み、国際的なチームの一員として働くことを楽しめる方に最適です。細かい作業を丁寧にこなせる方や、英語を使って仕事をしたい方を歓迎します。旅行業界の経験は問いませんが、基本的なPCスキルとコミュニケーション能力が必要です。
    基本的なPCスキル(Gmail、Google SheetsまたはExcel、Google DocsまたはWord) 細かい作業に注意を払える方(データ入力・予約管理・請求書作成など) 日本語での円滑なコミュニケーションができる方(社内のやり取り) 基本的な英会話スキル(初級〜中級レベル) 歓迎スキル・経験(必須ではありません) 旅行業界やカスタマーサポートの経験 簿記の知識や経理業務の経験 弥生会計の使用経験 旅行業界での経験がなくても大丈夫です。リモート環境での事務作業に慣れている方や、新しいことを学ぶ意欲がある方を歓迎します。 アピールポイント 英語を使うチャンス!国際的な環境で働ける 海外のお客様とのやり取りがあるため、英語を使う機会が多く、語学スキルを活かしたい方にぴったりです。英語でのメール対応や簡単な会話を通じて、実践的なスキルを伸ばすことができます。
    旅行業界での第一歩を踏み出せる 実際の旅行手配に関わることで、業界の流れや実務を学べる環境です。今後、旅行業界でキャリアを積んでいきたい方にとって、実践的な経験が得られます。 在宅勤務OK!柔軟な働き方ができる 自宅で快適に働ける環境を提供します。また、**月2回の本社訪問(福岡県飯塚市)**を通じて、直接チームと顔を合わせる機会もあります。 フレンドリーでリラックスした職場
    週約10-20時間(業務量に応じて増減あり) スタッフの個人スケジュールと会社の要件に応じて、柔軟な勤務時間が可能 休暇・休日 完全週休2日制(土日祝休) 家族都合での急なお休みOK 勤務地所在地 〒820-0013 福岡県 飯塚市 上三緒 勤務地備考 リモートワーク(福岡県内在住の方限定) 月に2回、福岡県飯塚市の本社を訪問 アクセス 勤務地: リモートワーク(福岡県内在住の方限定) 本社所在地: 福岡県飯塚市(詳細は採用時に通知) 最寄り駅: JR上三緒駅(本社訪問時) 交通手段: 公共交通機関または自家用車でのアクセス可 雇用形態: 業務委託契約者 給与・報酬: 1,250円 (時給) 以上 あなたの履歴書(または質問)を英語で

    [email protected]

    までメールでお送りください。その際、Kyushu Journeysに応募したい理由と、ご自身がこの職種に適している理由を簡単に説明してください。すべてのメールには返信いたしますが、Facebook、Instagram、WhatsApp、または電話での応募や質問には対応できません。皆さまのご応募をお待ちしております!

    この仕事情報は英語から日本語にChat GPT AIによって翻訳されました。私の日本語が少し変だと感じるかもしれませんが、意味は理解していただけると幸いです。 お仕事をする上で、日本のスタッフと日本語でコミュニケーションを取ることになります。

  • Freelance Social Media Manager

    This position is closed because a candidate has already been recruited.

    Freelance Social Media Manager – Kyushu Journeys

    Are you passionate about Japan, skilled in video editing and able to create engaging social media content? We’re seeking a dedicated freelancer to manage our social media presence across Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. A deep understanding and appreciation of Kyushu’s unique culture and landscapes will be essential in bringing our vision to life.

    About Us

    • Trading Name: Kyushu Journeys (
    • Official Company Name: Gōdō gaisha (合同会社) Starbright Concepts
    • Travel Agent License: 福岡県知事登録 第3-873号
    • Formation: June 2017
    • Clientele: English-speaking visitors to Kyushu from overseas

    Kyushu Journeys is owned and managed by a husband (UK) and wife (Japanese) team. Both have over 20 years of experience in the tourism industry in Asia and extensive management experience. We currently employ two full-time Japanese staff members and two part-time remote team members.

    Role Overview

    We need someone to generate and produce a steady flow of high-quality content that showcases the beauty, culture, and experiences of Kyushu. The focus is on maximizing output through a combination of AI tools and traditional video editing techniques, ensuring efficiency while maintaining high standards of quality. You’ll work closely with the company owner and staff to bring both our ideas and your own to life, following best practices across all social platforms to ensure consistency and engagement.

    Key Responsibilities

    • Content Production: Create engaging posts, reels, stories, and videos for Instagram and Facebook, as well as long-form content and Shorts for YouTube.
    • Content Ideation: Collaborate with the company owner and staff to brainstorm and develop new content ideas while contributing your own concepts to keep the content fresh and engaging.
    • Editing & Repurposing: Use a blend of AI-driven tools and traditional editing methods to streamline the process and efficiently repurpose content across platforms.
    • Uploading & Optimization: Manage all aspects of uploading, including writing engaging titles and descriptions, selecting effective tags, and following platform-specific best practices.
    • Performance Analysis: Track and analyze content performance to identify trends and adjust strategies for continual improvement.
    • High Output & Consistency: Maintain a consistent, high-output content schedule, ensuring a regular stream of engaging material across all platforms.
    • Utilize Archive: Leverage the extensive archive of video and still images provided by the owners and staff, with ongoing contributions as they travel around Kyushu and attend events.
    • Content Compliance: Ensure all content strategies strictly adhere to platform guidelines to avoid any risk of penalties or account restrictions.


    • Proven experience managing social media channels with a strong portfolio demonstrating your skills.
    • Knowledge of video editing, including the use of AI tools alongside traditional production methods.
    • Familiarity with best practices for Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, including algorithms, trends, and engagement techniques.
    • Ability to produce a high volume of content quickly and consistently, maintaining quality standards.
    • Strong understanding of and passion for Japanese culture, ideally with a focus on Kyushu.
    • Flexibility to incorporate the ideas of the company owner and staff into the content strategy.
    • Remote Working: Must be comfortable working remotely with regular online meetings.
    • Long-Term Collaboration: We are looking for someone interested in building a long-term working relationship.


    We’re open to your proposals and eager to understand how you plan to collaborate with us. Please share details about your fee and be as specific as possible about your monthly deliverables and the tools you’ll use to achieve them.

    Proposals or questions should be sent to [email protected]. We kindly ask that you refrain from sending messages via Facebook or WhatsApp.

  • Part-Time Sales & Marketing Role (Remote Working)

    This position is closed because a candidate has already been recruited.

    Part-Time Sales & Marketing Role (Remote Working)

    Key Points

    • Part-time position
    • Hourly-paid position
    • Remote working position
    • Previous experience not required
    • Visa sponsorship not provided
    • Available for an immediate start, or as soon as your current commitments allow
    • Employment progression:
      • Initial 3-month probation/training period, then;
      • Continuous rolling contract

    Main Requirements

    • Japan resident (Kyushu strongly preferred)
    • Native English speaker
    • University graduate
    • Computer with an internet connection
    • Excellent written and spoken English
    • Computer literate (Social Media, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Gmail)
    • Confident with numbers and working with basic spreadsheets
    • Confident making cost calculations with 100% accuracy
    • Confident in speaking with, and corresponding in English to, clients
    • High level of attention to detail and accuracy
    • Willingness to embrace AI (Chat GPT and others)

    Sales Duties

    • Communicating with clients online (via Gmail, WhatsApp, Zoom)
    • Making Kyushu tour proposals for clients
    • Calculating price of tour proposals
    • Issuing and processing client invoices
    • Meeting clients in Fukuoka city (unless you live far from Fukuoka city)
    • Other sales duties as required

    Marketing Duties

    • Running digital advertising campaigns (currently Facebook and Google Ads)
    • Updating company Wordpress website - no programming or technical knowledge required
    • Creating company newsletters
    • Discovering and developing new marketing channels and opportunities
    • Other marketing duties as required

    During busy periods you may be asked to assist the team with other duties as required.

    Training and Experience

    No previous experience is required but any previous experience or knowledge in the following areas will benefit your application:

    • Spoken and/or written Japanese
    • English copywriting or editing
    • Travel industry
    • Customer service
    • Kyushu tourism
    • Travefy travel planning platform
    • Excel or Google Sheets formulas
    • Online advertising
    • Wordpress

    You will be given training and time to learn the skills required for your duties. You will never be asked to perform tasks beyond your comfort level.

    Salary & Benefits

    • Hourly rate:
      • [Redacted] during initial 3-month probation/training period, then;
      • [Redacted] after successful completion of probation
    • Employees' Pension Insurance (Kousei Nenkin): Not provided
    • Health Insurance (Kenkō Hoken): Not provided
    • Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance (Rōsai Hoken): Provided

    Note: If your working hours reach 30 or more per week, Kousei Nenkin and Kenkō Hoken will be provided as required by Japanese law.


    Your place of work will be your home or office, however, preference will be given to candidates who will be available in either Iizuka city or Fukuoka city for twice-monthly face-to-face working/training sessions and able to provide meet-and-greet service at Fukuoka airport.

    Working Hours

    Number of working hours will depend upon both your availability and company requirements. Currently, we estimate 20 hours per week. Some of the duties can be done at any time you are available to work to suit your personal schedule, however, to communicate with our team, you will also need to be available during Japan office hours Monday to Friday.

    About Us

    Kyushu Journeys is owned and managed by a husband (UK) and wife (Japanese) team. Both have over 20 years of experience in the tourism industry in Asia and extensive management experience. We currently employ two full-time Japanese staff members, two part-time remote team members, and a freelance social media manager. We are looking for our next valuable team member - you!

    About You

    You are an outgoing, friendly person: hard-working, loyal, honest, and fun. You enjoy working as part of a team but are disciplined and responsible enough for solo working. You are looking for a long-term permanent position. You should be passionate about making new projects succeed. You are permanently based in Japan, preferably Kyushu.

    Future Roles

    There is a possibility, but not an expectation or requirement, that this position may grow into a full-time permanent position.

    Visa Sponsorship

    Visa sponsorship is not available; therefore, we invite applications only from Japanese nationals or foreigners who already have a visa that allows employment in Japan, such as a spouse visa or Permanent Resident visa.

    How Should I Apply?

    Email your CV (or questions) in English to [email protected] and briefly explain why you want to join Kyushu Journeys and why you are suitable for this position. Please mention your nationality and current visa status in your application. All emails will receive a reply; however, applications or questions via Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or telephone will not receive a response. We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Full-Time Office and Guiding Role (Hybrid Working)

    This position is closed because a candidate has already been recruited.

    Full-Time Office and Guiding Role (Hybrid Working)

    Outline Roles

    • Kyushu tour planning and arrangement
    • Guiding Kyushu tours
    • General admin & office duties

    Key Points

    • Full-time, permanent position (flexible options available)
    • Previous experience not required
    • Great opportunities for career development
    • Interviewing now to start any time after August 2024
    • Employment progression:
      • Initial 3-month probation period, then;
      • Two years Keiyakushain (契約社員), then;
      • Seishain (正社員) subject to both parties’ agreement

    Main Requirements

    • Fukuoka Prefecture resident, passionate about Kyushu travel
    • Japanese with advanced English skills or foreigner with advanced Japanese skills
    • University or college graduate
    • High level of attention to detail
    • Computer literate; comfortable with office work
    • Confident with numbers (numerate)
    • Confident speaking and corresponding in English with foreigners
    • Confident speaking and corresponding in Japanese
    • Willingness to embrace AI (no previous experience required)


    • Creating and managing itineraries
    • Guiding English-speaking foreigners (day trips and multi-day tours)
    • Booking accommodation, transport, restaurant, activities, guides etc.
    • Communication with clients by email, phone, messaging, face-to-face
    • General admin and office duties
    • Destination inspection visits
    • Meeting clients and travel industry professionals

    During busy periods you may be asked to assist the team with other duties as required.

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